Applying to Patricia D. Klingenstein Grants Program

Application portal opens annually on April 15 and closes on May 31.

Our program supports a wide range of areas of Maine children’s health.

Eligibility Requirements

  • As a general rule, individual grants are expected to fall in the $5,000 – $25,000 range.
  • Projects/programs must advance Maine children’s health.
  • Organizations that received funding in the past, must wait 2-years before reapplying. (If an organization received funding in 2022 or 2023, they must sit out 2 grant cycles and can reapply in 2025 or 2026 respectively.)
  • Proposals are for a 12-month project period running September 1 – August 31 with a final report due on October 31.
  • Almost all forms of grants will be considered (e.g., general operating support, program grants, capacity building grants, challenge grants, matching grants). However, as a rule, the Foundation would not expect to make capital grants (e.g., funding for building), or grants to individuals.
  • Successful applicants typically have strong track records and take approaches that are creative but well grounded (e.g., in data, theory, best practices, evaluation methods).
  • The Foundation strongly prefers to fund organizations with budgets under $5 million.
  • In general, the Foundation looks for proposals that address Maine’s most underserved populations, especially those from low-income families and under-resourced communities, or other minoritized populations that may have limited supports and resources. 
  • The Foundation will not accept oral health proposals. However, if you see oral health needs that your organization could help address within your broader children’s health work, please connect with the Children’s Oral Health Network of Maine.

Application Guidelines

The application portal opens on April 15 and closes on May 31.

In addition to basic application information (e.g., organization contact information, EIN, organization financial information), the application requires the following:

  • Proposal Summary: Brief overview of how requested funds would be used and potential impact of proposed work. 
  • Funding History: Has your organization applied for and/or received a grant from the Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation before?
  • Fiscal agency: If your organization is applying under a fiscal agent, please provide a description of the relationship / agreement between the two entities.
  • Mission: What is your organization’s mission?
  • History: Share a brief history of when, why, and how your organization was founded and how the organization has evolved since.
  • Geographic area served (drop-down list of Maine counties with statewide option).
  • Core Programs: Please describe the programs currently offered/operated by your organization that best demonstrate your organization’s capacity to carry out this proposal. 
  • Demographic narrative with available data: Please provide a description of the primary demographic(s) the proposal aims to serve, including any demographic data that your organization collects to understand the particular impact of your work.
  • Children and families: Please specify what % of your overall population served is children and families.
  • Organization finances: Most recent balance sheet, P&L and current fiscal year operating budget. Audited preferred but not required.
  • Proposal Narrative: Use this section to describe the project/program for which funding is sought, including major goals/outcomes and key strategies, as well as methods of assessing the project.
  • Proposal Budget: The application provides a revenue table where you will indicate secured and potential/requested funding and an expense table where you will indicate proposed expenditures, broken down into categories (i.e. supplies, personnel, etc.). This form is required for all non-operating requests.
  • Project Personnel & Board of Directors: Please list key personnel involved in project execution as well as all members of your organization’s Board of Directors.
  • (Optional) 1-5 photographs that illustrate the people served by your organization and the work and impact proposed in your application.

If you have questions, contact Emilie Knight, the Foundation’s Director of Small Grants by emailing

Grant Cycle Timeline

  • April 15: Announcement of Grant Cycle; Application portal opens
  • May 31: Deadline for Applications; Application portal closes at midnight
  • June – July: Staff and Committee Review of Applications
  • August: Committee meets to select grantees; grantees notified shortly after meeting
  • September 1: Official Project Start Date
  • Following year:
    • August 31: Official Project End Date
    • October 31: Final Report Deadline
Begin Application